Erika Zeh - Painter of Light
An encounter with contemporary art.
Erika Zeh´s work has been successfully exhibited in many one-man showings in museums and galleries in German cities such as Cologne, Duisburg, Düsseldorf, Zons, Bitburg, Trier, Essen, Osnabrück, Augsburg, Bonn, Berlin, Burscheid, as well as in Paris, London, Zürich, Bern, Dènia, Spain, and Boston.
The "painter of light", as she has been called, ushers the beholder into a type of thought and artistic expression that transcends external reality. "The exhibited works give evidence of considerable artstitic ability, of intense poetry. The observer feels himself drawn into interiors of the soul " (review in Der Bund, Bern)
A characteristic feature of Erika Zeh`s artwork is its continuous development. Sustained by indomitable courage, the abstraction of experienced reality proves itself to be an intensely creative form of expression. Akin to an "innner music", rhythms and a finely varied timbre pervade her paintings. "The infinitely discrete, almost intimate expression of this German artist is surprising in its subtlety and sensitively nuanced shades of color. Her work is suffused by a luminous lyricism" (review in Carrefour, Paris). "With a few strokes of the palette-knife, Erika Zeh gets her message across and entrances the beholder" (review in Düsseldorfer Nachrichten).
partial list of published reviews:
Carrefour, Paris / Leverkusener Rundschau / Düsseldorfer Nachrichten / Rheinische Post / Trierischer Volksfreund / Radio National de Espana / Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger / Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung / Kölnische Rundschau / Westfälischer Anzeiger / Der Bund, Bern / bewusster leben, Saint Gall / Bonner General-Anzeiger / Bonner Rundschau